Torbreck Wines and Simon "Fish" Fisher Shiraz

Recently I was at Torbreck having an amazing taste of some iconic wines when I was told the story of Simon "Fish" Fisher. A heart breaking and heart warming story all in one. A story that breaks your heart and renews your faith in humanity at the same time. It will bring you to tears, because of tragedy and triumph simultaneously. I simply could not, not buy a bottle. This is just another reason to love this industry.

This is from the Torbreck Blog and website... 2008 Blog post...Simon Fisher was a top bloke. A larrikin musician with a cheeky smile, he was our Assistant Cellar Door manager until his untimely passing in August 2008. I thought it would be appropriate to name our newest vineyard in his memory. Planted to various clones of Shiraz that I have taken from our best vineyards, it will be a nursery of sorts to the best young Shiraz talent in the Barossa.
From the Torbreck website... Planted into the deep red loams of Marananga in the area immediately surrounding our new winery facility. I am sure that these vines in time to come, will produce some of our best grapes; and I know that during budburst every season they will be a reminder to us all at Torbreck of our lost but never forgotten friend Fish and his larrikin smile. The Fish’s Shiraz, is named after Simon “Fish” Fisher who worked at our cellar door. His dry sense of humour and passion for wine endeared him to Torbreck staff and customers alike, until his unfortunate early passing in 2008.This wine is a celebration of his life and is sourced from the vineyard bearing his name overlooked by the staff in front of the winery.

All profits raised from the sale of this wine are donated to Fish’s favourite charity, The Royal Flying Doctor Service.
To date they have raised just under $80,000 for this fantastic charity. This young mans passion for helping the Royal Australian Flying Doctor service is now carried on in his name by the good folks at Torbreck. The Fish’s Shiraz is a bargain at $29.50 per bottle and available online in Australia at - Torbreck Purchase Online or as always at the Cellar Door. When you visit ask about this very special wine.
Happy Wine Adventures,