When a suitcase is more than a suitcase!

We have lived on the edge for years. Taken massive risks with valuable cargo. Scoffed at the possibility of irreplaceable loss. Toyed with Murphy (Murphy's law) and defied the odds.
Baggage handlers don't have the best reputation for caring for your bags, and let's face it, when wrapping precious bottles of wine in socks, t-shirts and between shoes, the risk of disaster is ever present.
After years of perfecting the use of strategically placed stiff cardboard, bubble wrap and the aforementioned socks, t-shirts and shoes an intriguing Christmas sale was spotted.

We are at that point in life where most stuff for Christmas and Birthdays is just stuff we don't really need, no matter how thoughtful or neat it is. But this was different! Oh my was this different...
We had spotted the VingardeValise on sale! You know, that amazing wine travel suitcase that promises to safely transport your precious wine cargo around the globe safely as many times as you want. Not only that but as many as a dozen bottles! Bloody brilliant!
Or is it... is always the thought right before committing to the purchase and spending that hard earned money? But this was a sale! One good enough to keep that purchase finger pressing down. So now we were the proud owner of the only color available VingardeValise.
The first step was putting a dozen bottles in it, or should I say in and out of it to break it in a bit, and also to test the weight against the 23kg limit. Its close but under (at least for the test).
Next up was my trip to the wine capital of the world, Adelaide South Australia, and taking six bottles from California with me to share. First test passed with flying colours.They all made it safely.

Coming back would be the real test though, a full dozen! Not just any dozen either. This collection included award winning wines from Internationally recognized producers as well as a couple that are worthy of, and will someday be.
Having selected the travelling dozen the weight was a smidge over the 23 kg (23.5). No issue at check in. This is probably due to some slightly heavier than usual bottles and some literature as well as our magnetic signs.

So all checked in in Adelaide. Now it was time to let the journey back to California begin.
With another lovely stop in Sydney planned where we were planning on catching the green line train the Circular Quay and enjoying a lovely lunch with bubbles at the Opera Bar again.
It was as we were loading into a transfer bus from the domestic terminal to go to the International terminal I watched in horror as my precious cargo was hurled onto the bag cart. Ok hurled maybe a bit harsh but it was unceremoniously dumped from the belt to the luggage cart with enough abandon it bounced and the bag sustained a pretty big scuff mark and just as I commented, "oh look there is my precious cargo coming out of the plane, I hope they are gentle with it, F#@&K !!" I inadvertently blurted out a very loud 'F' bomb to a full bus load as I was shocked at the mistreatment of my precious cargo! A quick elbow to the ribs from my wife and only a few mutterings continued.

About 18 hours later as I collected the VingardeValise case and could not see any leakage I started to breath again. To cut a long story short (er) all arrived safely. Look, this suitcase did exactly what it was supposed to do, and did it under duress, and protected my precious bottles.
If you love travelling and bringing home (or taking with you) lovely wine, get one of these wonderful suitcases. One word... Bloody brilliant! ok two words
Safe wine travels,