Airport rules for travelers.
Traveling can be a trying adventure, especially when it comes to traversing the gauntlet that is the airport.

But rules—or the complete disregard of some of them like the social norms, can make it a much more enjoyable experience.
Let's face it, the strange incongruency of security is rather odd. Picture this: you’re at security, where they treat your water bottle like a suspicious artifact, even if you have the receipt from the shop post-security and it's still unopened. “What’s this? A liquid? Inconceivable!” Meanwhile, flip-flops are given a free pass, as if they’re not the real culprits of nasty foot odor.

Let’s not forget the boarding process. You know, the chaotic “grouping” that’s regularly just a free-for-all. Where the gate lice suddenly become world-class sprinters, battling for overhead bin space like it’s the last piece of pizza with their four pieces of oversized carry-on swooping up all of that bin space with nothing at their feet.
Then there’s the baggage claim. You wait with bated breath, watching bags roll by like a game show. “Will it be the bright pink suitcase or the mysterious black duffel? And why do I always end up with someone else’s bag?”

Look, lots of people get anxious about the travel experience but there are some ways to cope. The first rule of travel and airports is we don’t care what the clock says. I mean we do as far as catching the plane but not when it comes to wining and dining. The only rule is anything goes! You want a glass or three of bubbles? DO IT!
And amidst all this, the food options are pretty questionable! Who knew a pretzel could cost more than your flight? Traveling is a circus, and the airport is the big top, but it’s not our circus nor our monkeys, so just find the entertainment in it. It’s a place and time where the rules are as real as your chance of getting a decent meal. Find the entertainment in people watching. Indulge in that 6 am glass of champagne and a cheeseburger, or a 3 am coffee with a bag of $20 chips or that pretzel you have been thinking about. Just relax and enjoy it for whatever it is. Just be in the moment.
So buckle up, enjoy the ride, and remember: laughter is the best carry-on!
Cheers to great travel adventures,
